Well, I will show you my working spaces in our flat.
Be aware! I haven't tidy up for taking photos.

This is a card playing table. I have 5 of them only $25 for each. I use 3 of them for the markets. 2 of them stay our living room. But I use just one table for daily tasks then use two tables together when I felt a big sheet.
On the table I put my netbook and coffee.
Because it stays close to the kitchen and the entrance, I often put my groceries temporarily. The eggs are real ones.
I TRY not to untidy on the desk it would be crowded easily because it's so small.

This is our coffee table which has never been used for a coffee table. I used it for "drying space" or "finished now packing" space. The digital photo frame shows our lovely trip to UK and Paris. In bloody hot days it will give me a cold snow day dream (bless!)
Can you see me in London in the frame?
Living cost in Sydney is veeeeeery expense, we cannot afford to move to a bigger place at the moment. So i have to use this one bed room unit cleverly to turn into my working place.
I'm lucky because I can use mike's art studio for my felting once in a while.
- Posted using from Ako's iPhone