Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm in hospital again :-(

I've been in hospital since Tuesday for my ankle bone infection, same problem.
I really hope it will be fixed to the point I don't have to come back another few years.
I could get a private room with a view! I can see the Harbour bridge.
What a beautiful day today... Blue sky and sunshine....
I will stay here for another several days. 
Lovely friends of mine visit me every day and some brought me a Japanese lunch! I feel so loved.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Come to the Glebe Markets!

Here I am! Finished setting up the store and waiting for the lovely customers to see my handmade items and hopefully buy them. What a lovely day! No wind at the moment (great!), otherwise the Spring strong wind would blow all my felt products away. that'll be nightmare....
I'm sending this from my iPhone. please come to see me!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Bacon & Fried egg scarf.

The Bacon & fried egg scarf
I've just made a custom order scarf. A lady who asked me to make it will give it to her friend who loves a bacon and fried egg. I hope she will like it.

The Bacon & Fried egg Scarf
Even though it is a pretty funny to wear it as a scarf, you can put it on the bag as an eye catch accessory.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Heart Heart Heart

I'm making these Hearts for my dear friend who had a breast cancer surgery yesterday. Still more to go.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

ReadingMate is listed in the Etsy treasury.

"EYEBALLS, Eyeballs, Everywhere"!

I am so glad that someone loves eyeballs as much as I do.

Posted via email from woolhug's posterous