Sunday, May 10, 2009

We did not make it to the Glebe Market this Saturday.

My friend Riyo and I left home 6am and got the market to get in a stand-by queue, we were 8th even though we thought we arrived there much earlier than last Saturday (it was 7th). I am not sure how early those people came for the market (phew!)

In the end, we could not get a spot neither did other quite a few people due to some mistakes by the office having done over booking and it also may be the case of people are rushing for the Mother’s day opportunity... Oh well, it’s a good lesson for us that “you should always pre-book to get a guarantee spot”which we did. So we got in the chocolate shop near by and Riyo bought me this beautiful indulging chocolate drink! Bless…

All afternoon Riyo and I spent time very productively. I made my Felt Ball Earrings and Riyo did her Jewelry making.

I made these with help of Riyo to give to Ino, a lovely girl and my friend who has just got her beautiful necklace broken which her big sister made and gave to her. She loved them and even my husband Mike approved as “Nice ones”.

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