Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cupmate was my travel mate.

I used my cup mate a lot!
I used my innovative product "cupmate" a lot in my trip. Particulary in Starbucks. Starbucks uses cardboard sleeves for a takeaway cup. I refused to used them and used my cupmate I felt good about it. Good for the environment!
I noticed that English people call "Late" while we call "Cafe late" in Australia.
Of course Cafe au lait for Parisienne.

I had to take a phot with him.

Yes, the real paddinton bear in Paddington station London!
You know him, don't you?
We used Paddinton station in London a lot.
Beautiful station.


Crochet crochet!
I bought these things, Acrylic yarn, Lamb wool yarn and several crochet hooks (brand:clover) in London. I really enjoyed crocheting during the trip. When you travel you would spent quite a time on transportation usually people do reading or do nothing. I used those time to crochet. It was very productive time. Compare with knitting you don't need much space to do it.

I'm home (sydney)!

Yes, I'm back! Am I happy? well... ina way yes I am but in a way I already miss freezing weather and snow in England. Mike (husband) will get deppresed when he see dark grey sky in UK but to me it was magical, mysterious and world of Sherlock holmes. I looooooved snow so much. I wished I could live in England for a while.
Now, we got a hottest day today. Up to 40 degree today. Disgusting. "I....'m dreaming of a white england....."
I got a week off in Sydney to recover my jetlag and fatigue from the trip so I have time to upload more photos to show you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I've been crochetting whenever (wherever) I have a time...

Since I came to UK on this trip I started my crochetting. I have done it before but this time I would like to try "amigurumi" making a softy things. I went to a couple of yarn shops and got cheep yarn (acrylic) to practice it first, then bought a couple of pattern at Etsy shop to get a PDF then start croshetting with the propper lamb wool yarn which I'v got from a shop in London (sale price!) . I will show you soon when I finish it!
I am writing this article at Starbucks in St Pauls London. We will leave London tonight heading back to Sydney via Bankok. I will miss cold weather here! I definittely will miss snow!