Saturday, April 3, 2010

Felted postcards will be on sale.

Finally I finished to made a set of Felted postcard which I will deliver to the shop this afternoon.

Here is my letter to my friend and customers;

" I wanted to make a POSTCARD not a greeting card"

Dear my friends and customers,

When I came up with the idea of making a postcard with a handfelted piece i was so thrilled to picture a postman holding the felted poscard and thinks how special this is he wishes the recipient will be very happy to recieve it.

Why don't you send an old fashioned post card to your family or friends wig a nice wooly touch?

The best part is that a recipient enjoy the felted postcard by displying it standing (the instruction paper for a recipient is attached inside the postcard ). I prefer to place a tea light holder between the felt and the paper. "SVALKA" tumbler from IKEA is perfect to fit in. A pen stand on the desk or a small PET bottle with a single daisy in it ... you can use anything to make it stand!

It can be mailed nationally or internationally as a normal postcard. A 50 cents postage will be all you need to post it to anywhere in Australia (from Australia).

I am personally not worried about "what if it gets dirty during delivery?" I consider that's the beauty about a postcard, all marks including a postmark shows its journey to get there... don't you think?

Have fun with it!

Sent from Ako's iPhone

Posted via email from woolhug's posterous

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